Thomas Smith, Year 4, PG13 2021

Bata’s Wild Regeneration

Bata’s Wild Regeneration aims to question our contract with nature, within the context of our relationship to the once natural landscape of East Tilbury, Essex. Through the industrialisation of the past 200 years, we have severed our rapport with nature, ignored its cyclical processes, and as an act of self-sabotage, abused the environments that benefit our health and well-being most. To reverse this damage, we must recognise the rights of nature, adhering to principles of permaculture to change the way we live, design and build. 

Over two projects I hoped to explore how the design of space and the resourcing of materials can have a positive impact on the regeneration of the natural landscapes of East Tilbury. The first project, a wild swimming bathing house, focused on the regeneration of a pond habitat with a floating bathing machine that reacts to the ponds imbalances and fragility. The second project looks at the impact of our modern agriculture practices, questioning how the natural resources of East Tilbury would allow for a switch to regenerative styles of agriculture and minimalist co-living living, elevating the community whilst improving the health of the environment and its soil.

August 31, 2021